Demand for skilled IT professionals is higher than ever. However, finding the right match for a job can be daunting for employers and job seekers. This is where IT Agent matching process makes a difference in the employment market. Our aim is to recognize the real needs of companies and talent in their business. Yes, talents also have their own business. Most of the Talents are choosing projects which can develop their careers and at the same time look lucrative considering the benefits. Passing through the negotiating process Talent will deal with tax optimization tasks, salary negotiation, and terms of project participation. There is quite a lot to handle other than technical expertise for what talent is considered an expert. Companies, on the other hand, have tough decisions to make in the selection process. Depending on the spot they are trying to fill in, the level of competency will create a need for a talent who can take over the tasks in a short interval of time or a talent who can grow with the project and in time be ready to individually take over tasks. The process of hiring can take several months and in the end, a lot of wasted time and effort with no appropriate hire. This interval is quite costly and this is why our talents take a technical test as soon as they open an account on our platform.Talent should be able to fit into the company structure and make the company stronger and more productive. IT Agent will cut the time for bringing decisions for both sides by interviews with the talent and the company before they meet for the first time. Clarifying the real needs, limitations, and opportunities matching process will narrow the matching pool flashing out the best partnerships. IT Agent will suggest onboarding best practices making sure that the next level of cooperation goes smoothly.
T o g e t O u r W e e k l y & M o n t h l y N e w s S u b s c r i b e t o N e w s l e t t e r .